Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Time Is Taking My Baby Away
Two nights ago we converted Isabella's crib to a toddler bed. Personally, I wasn't ready for the change, but Jonathan's upcoming shift change made it necessary. It may seem like a really small thing, but for me it's just another reminder of how my baby is a baby no more. Although I've spent almost every day of her life with her and watched her every move she turned into a big girl without me even knowing. The days came and went, and now my baby is almost a year and a half old. Time, it seems, is not my friend. On the bright side my beautiful baby is now a smart, funny, loving little girl. Still beautiful, but so much more too! By the way, she loves her new bed.

Sunday, May 16, 2010
Her Mother's Daughter
We went to The Children's Place today to get Isabella a swimsuit. Because we weren't going to be very long Jonathan carried her in, we didn't bother with a stroller. When we got to the section that has the clothes for her size she wanted down. The first thing she did was ran over to some shoes and said "cute"! That's my girl!
This picture has nothing to do with the shopping, but it was taken today and it's CUTE! See, I really am trying to be a better blogger.
Tuesday, May 04, 2010
Isabella Is 17 Months
Isabella never had a 15 month appointment because she was sick and on antibiotics for most of March which pushed her 15 month appointment to yesterday, the day before she turned 17 months old. The appointment went well despite having to wait forever because there was only one doctor and one RN working! Isabella is 30.5 inches tall (I don't think she was standing up straight, but who knows?) 25th percentile, they said she is falling to the short side which is weird because she has always been kind of tall. No worries though, because I'm short and Jonathan is no giant. She weighs 21 lbs, between 10th - 25th percentile, which is where she has always been. And her head is 18 1/4" which is the 50th percentile, again, kind of where it has always been. If you are wondering, she gets that melon from her Daddy.
The nurse was wowed by how good a patient Isabella was, and the doctor too. When they stuck her finger she didn't even flinch. She was amazed by the blood and loved watching it flow from her finger. She even smiled as she watched it travel up the little tube that they use to test for lead. She was so well behaved while she was being examined. The doctor was impressed and said we have a very laid back little girl. She was in and out in a flash, she said it usually takes her twice as long because the kids fight and won't be still. That's our good girl! Everything was fine with Isabella, she is perfectly health! The only concern was that Isabella hasn't been on vitamins and she should have been for the past 5 months. We didn't know this, of course, and the doctor who saw her at her 12 month appointment didn't mention it at all. So glad we decided to switch doctors. She had to get 2 shots, and although she did cry a little, it didn't last long, not even a minute. Because she was such a good patient the nurse gave her two "treasures" which pleased Isabella so much she blew the nurse a kiss.
I meant to talk to the doctor about potty training but forgot. Isabella is showing a lot of signs that she is ready to start, so we are going to take a very laid back approach and see what happens. I would love to have her potty trained before the next baby arrives (no, I'm not pregnant, yet!), but we aren't pushing it. She is a smart girl, she will let me know when its REALLY time. I cant remember if I posted it here or not, but one time last week Isabella asked to sit on the potty and she actually used it as soon as she was on it! I'm so proud of my big girl!
This picture has nothing to do with the appointment, it's just here for your viewing pleasure!
Monday, May 03, 2010
A Conversation With Isabella
Me: Isabella do you like your new shirt?
Isabella: No
Me: It's pretty!
Me: You're wearing it.
I: No thanks.
Me: Don't tell your mama no.
I: fake crying
Me: You're wearing the shirt Isabella.
I: Okay.
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