As you all know I have my ups and down with this blog. I try to be better and I am, then I slack again. Vicious cycle. So, there are many things I don't blog about and I can easily shrug it off. Today I realized I never blogged about Isabella turning two. Sad mommy, bad mommy.
So here is everything you need to know about a 2 year old Isabella.

What can I say about you, sweet Isabella? My little noodle turned toddler in the blink of an eye. I guess I will start out by telling you that you are truly loved by everyone who meets you. You're sweet, outgoing, and funnier than I knew any kid could be. People are just drawn to you, you're that girl. I guess you are like your mother in that you never meet a stranger and for some reason your mouth never, ever, stops moving.
At your two year well check up you really impressed the doctor. You talked her ear off and told her that you loved her watch. You even told here that you would like to have it. (I would have liked to have it too, so
shiney and diamond-y!) Although she declined your request you were still an exemplary patient as always. (By the way, keep that up, seriously!) At two you are a towering 35 1/4" tall and and 23.2 pounds. Is it obvious that you have your daddy's body and not mine? I think by the time you are 5 you'll be taller than me. Everything checked out as above average to exceptional, you are one special girl!
The things you love very best are Dora, playing outside, your big girl bed, books, and your daddy! The things you love the very least are sleeping, wearing clothes, messes, and Santa Claus. It's so fun to watch you every day as you explore and learn new things. As you are getting older the way you interact with everything around you is changing. Some things in the past that you have completely shunned are now your favorite and things you once loved aren't your "thing" anymore. Hey, by the way, welcome back to the meat eating world.
You say the funniest things and always keep my laughing. You're big heart and sweet soul are even more beautiful to me than your perfect little face. These are the things I think of when I think of you. Your compassion for other people and other things amazes me every day. I am proud to be your mommy, and I
wouldn't trade you for anything. You are going to be an amazing big sister. Even if you are a little jealous at first, I know that you will be good to her, because that's who you are. (Oh yeah, I'm pregnant, but that's another post!)
Oh and before I forget, thank you for being awesome and making potty training a breeze. We started on Dec 30, a Thursday, and by the end of the weekend you were going all day accident free. You are a super star, my dear. It's been 3 weeks and there is no looking back, diapers, as are most baby things, are a part of your past!
Most importantly remember that at 2 I love you, as I did when you were a tiny embryo in my tummy, and as I will when you are a
teenage girl making my hair grey. You are now and will always be my Isa!