Friday, August 05, 2011

Mad Baby is 4 Months Old

This week Mad baby turned 4 months old. It's been a quick 4 months!

What you NEED to know:

  • Mad Baby really isn't mad anymore! She's a happy happy girl now!

  • Her favorite things are milk, rolling over, "standing up", her big sister, and SLEEPING! (Thank you baby Jesus!)

  • Her hair is definitely going to be dark, maybe even darker than Isabella's.

  • Her eyes are still kind of a bluish color, but they are changing for sure.

  • My best guess is that she weighs in the ballpark of 11.5 - 12 lbs. Officially the teeniest baby I've ever know that was born fullterm.

  • She is still rocking the newborn and some 0-3 month clothes.

  • She is in size 1 diapers.

  • And she still loves to be swaddled.

There really isn't that much to tell about a 4 month old! Her well child check is Monday and I will have more stats then. I'm not looking forward to her having to get shots, but thats how it goes.