Friday, August 05, 2011

Mad Baby is 4 Months Old

This week Mad baby turned 4 months old. It's been a quick 4 months!

What you NEED to know:

  • Mad Baby really isn't mad anymore! She's a happy happy girl now!

  • Her favorite things are milk, rolling over, "standing up", her big sister, and SLEEPING! (Thank you baby Jesus!)

  • Her hair is definitely going to be dark, maybe even darker than Isabella's.

  • Her eyes are still kind of a bluish color, but they are changing for sure.

  • My best guess is that she weighs in the ballpark of 11.5 - 12 lbs. Officially the teeniest baby I've ever know that was born fullterm.

  • She is still rocking the newborn and some 0-3 month clothes.

  • She is in size 1 diapers.

  • And she still loves to be swaddled.

There really isn't that much to tell about a 4 month old! Her well child check is Monday and I will have more stats then. I'm not looking forward to her having to get shots, but thats how it goes.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Planking: Everyone Is Doing It

Just this week I found out about this new craze called planking. Well today I came out of the bathroom and found Isabella like this....

Even my two year old is cooler than me!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

A Little Awkward, A Little Awesome

So, Im in a blogging mood. Rare, I know. Here is a little insight into out life as of late A&A style.

A little awkward...

Having a beautiful amazing baby who I've only mentioned maybe twice on this blog. :(

Realizing that you have befriended a crazy person, and that person lives right across the street from you.

Having your 2 year old tell everyone in sight excitedly "I PEED" every time she goes to the restroom.

Finding a dead squirrel in your kiddie pool. How.very.tragic.

Having people come over regularly and seeing what my house looks like on a daily basis. Yikes!

Finding ONE grey hair while fixing your hair on you 29th birthday. :(

A little awesome...

Having two sweet baby girls!

Being 23 lbs under my pre pregnancy weight!

My new love love them. (not the crazy ones mentioned above)

Jonathan getting a raise this year that is exactlly enough to cover the cost of Isabella's preschool and gymnastics. Woot woot!

Having someone to go walking with every night, it keeps me accountable. I've lost weight and the adult time is amazing!

Summer....pools, sunshine, popsicles, long days, and late nights on the back porch.

Going on a date with my husband for our birthdays and seeing the funniest movie ever.

Shopping at Ikea with a fellow shopaholic.

Finding good sushi in Sumter!

3 Month Comparison

Isabella 3 months

Madelyn 3 months

Sometimes I think they look alike, others not so much.

Get Real

(Madelyn is in her swing asleep and she toots.)

Isa: Excuse you, Mama!

Me: That wasn't me, that was your sister.

Isa: Get real, Mama, you can't toot in your sleep!

Me: Yes you can.

Isa: It's okay, it's okay, you tooted.

Can't win with that kid!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Birthday Pictures

You birthday party in GA:

Your actual birthday, a small party at home with friends:
Your official 2 year old photo:

25 Months and Counting

As you all know I have my ups and down with this blog. I try to be better and I am, then I slack again. Vicious cycle. So, there are many things I don't blog about and I can easily shrug it off. Today I realized I never blogged about Isabella turning two. Sad mommy, bad mommy.

So here is everything you need to know about a 2 year old Isabella.

What can I say about you, sweet Isabella? My little noodle turned toddler in the blink of an eye. I guess I will start out by telling you that you are truly loved by everyone who meets you. You're sweet, outgoing, and funnier than I knew any kid could be. People are just drawn to you, you're that girl. I guess you are like your mother in that you never meet a stranger and for some reason your mouth never, ever, stops moving.

At your two year well check up you really impressed the doctor. You talked her ear off and told her that you loved her watch. You even told here that you would like to have it. (I would have liked to have it too, so shiney and diamond-y!) Although she declined your request you were still an exemplary patient as always. (By the way, keep that up, seriously!) At two you are a towering 35 1/4" tall and and 23.2 pounds. Is it obvious that you have your daddy's body and not mine? I think by the time you are 5 you'll be taller than me. Everything checked out as above average to exceptional, you are one special girl!

The things you love very best are Dora, playing outside, your big girl bed, books, and your daddy! The things you love the very least are sleeping, wearing clothes, messes, and Santa Claus. It's so fun to watch you every day as you explore and learn new things. As you are getting older the way you interact with everything around you is changing. Some things in the past that you have completely shunned are now your favorite and things you once loved aren't your "thing" anymore. Hey, by the way, welcome back to the meat eating world.

You say the funniest things and always keep my laughing. You're big heart and sweet soul are even more beautiful to me than your perfect little face. These are the things I think of when I think of you. Your compassion for other people and other things amazes me every day. I am proud to be your mommy, and I wouldn't trade you for anything. You are going to be an amazing big sister. Even if you are a little jealous at first, I know that you will be good to her, because that's who you are. (Oh yeah, I'm pregnant, but that's another post!)

Oh and before I forget, thank you for being awesome and making potty training a breeze. We started on Dec 30, a Thursday, and by the end of the weekend you were going all day accident free. You are a super star, my dear. It's been 3 weeks and there is no looking back, diapers, as are most baby things, are a part of your past!

Most importantly remember that at 2 I love you, as I did when you were a tiny embryo in my tummy, and as I will when you are a teenage girl making my hair grey. You are now and will always be my Isa!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday

Here is my girl, sick again, deeply involved in an episode of Dora!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Holy Deja Vu

Today at lunch Isabella was doing her usual terrorizing of the refrigerator and I was shocked at how tall she looked standing there. All of the sudden I remembered taking some pictures of her doing this exact same thing when she was much smaller. I whipped out my camera and grabbed a few shots while I had the chance. While she was napping I started looking through my pictures and found the "original". What a coincidence that they were taken almost exactly a year apart. Look how she has grown! I can't even think about it, it makes my head hurt.

January 14, 2011

and just a short 369 days before....

January 10, 2010.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

What Do I See?

I was noticing this morning that there are a few sights that have become somewhat permenant fixtures in our home. To give you an insiders view I thought I would share a few things you might see in our house...

  • ME, in my sweats!
  • Shoes all around the shoe rack in the front hall.
  • All my beautiful throw pillows, on the floor.
  • Isabella in various states of undressed.
  • Babydolls everywhere.
  • Something camo in ever room (things my husband hasn't put away!)
  • Little People all standing in a perfectly straight line, because that's the way Isabella INSIST that they live.
  • Dora Dora everywhere!
  • More and more pictures of Isabella, because all her pictures turn out great!
  • Food on the floor because no matter how much I sweep my child can junk up the floor.
  • A glass of water sitting on the table by "my" chair. I can't get enough to drink!
  • Baby gear starting to creep it's way back out of the closets.

It's not exciting, and sometimes it sure isn't pretty, but I've started accepting this as my new norm. This house, and all its sights, they are our home!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

This is my life...

A blog that I read regularly did a posted yesterday called "A little bit awkward, a little big awesome". When I read the title I thought to myself that I HAD to make a blog post like this. It's a perfect description of my life!

A little bit awkward:

Showing up for my OB appointment a week before my actual appointment. The right day and right time, just a week early!

Having my daughter YELL "toot toot" in the middle of a store because someone else on the isle passed gas.
Calling my husband at work and instead of asking for SSgt Laurence I said Jonathan, then hung up from embarrassment.

Having to cross your legs when you sneeze, then looking up to see 3 other moms looking at you sympathetically. I guess I wasn't as discreet as I thought.

Having an elderly lady tell you that your daughter needs a jacket on because it's cool outside. But she DOES have a jacket on and you don't know what to say.

Tearing up and then crying during a college football game because one of the players went down.

Having a friend ask you a question that you really don't want to answer because they really don't want to know the truth.

A little awesome:

My husband getting up at 4:30 with our wide awake daughter because I tossed and turned all night.

My daughter - enough said.

Feeling a little life moving inside of me, which is, by the way, the most amazing thing ever.
Having a clean house AND being caught up on laundry. It's amazing the things that make you happy when you get older and become a mom.

Getting the exact gift we wanted for Isabella's birthday and spending $20 less than we expected! SWEET!
The fact that the hair on my legs virtually stops growing when I'm pregnant. Nothing better than that.

Putting up my Christmas tree in another 10 days! I know Thanksgiving comes first, but why can't we celebrate Thanksgiving with a beautiful Christmas tree in the background?

Having awesome friends and family, near and far, who love and support you. The life we live because of Jonathan's career is hard at times, but we have met some awesome people who have changed our lives, and that's what it's all about! And family is family! :)

So that's my awkward and awesome. Is it weird for me to blog about things other than Isabella?
To finish it off, a little awkward and a little awesome photo style.



Sunday, October 24, 2010

A Mental Picture

I've been a horrible picture taker. I haven't pulled out my camera nearly as much as I would like for months. I have some great pictures of Isabella in my head though and I would like to share them with you. Here they are, in no particular order:

Picture 1: The look on her face when an acorn she dropped was stolen by a squirrel. "Hey, I wanted that 'sgirl'".

Picture 2: The big smile she gets on her face when we talk about the baby. I love my mental picture of her hugging and kissing my belly.

Picture 3: Isabella standing in front of the GIANT aquarium in Atlanta staring at all the fishes with amazement.

Picture 4: My little dragon trick or treating for the first time at Boo At The Zoo.

Picture 5: Her face this morning when her Nana gave her a stoller for her babies. You would have thought someone had put a table full of cake and cookies in front of her, she was THAT happy.

There is so much I wish I could share. We're loving life right now and just enjoy our time together. It won't be too much longer and we'll have another baby to love.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Barn Owl Promitives Giveaway

I'd love this sign. It's cute, and it's British, and as you all know Isabella was born in England!

Check it out!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Do You Still Love Me?

Of course you do! I may be the world's worst blogger, but I'm the only person in the world blogging about something you all love - ISABELLA! So let's get to it.
Almost 2 months ago Isabella turned 18 months old. We took her for her well check up and everything was great! She weighed 21 lbs 7 oz, and was 31.5 inches long. Can you believe she it? She had a huge growth spurt and grew an inch in one month. Um, that's crazy! She has a fat head, that we already knew. When the doctor measured her head she said "Well, we know she has a big brain!". Love it.
She is running around, talking, singing, dancing, causing chaos, and most of all, leaving a trail of toys everywhere she goes.

She has big brown eyes that could charm the pants off of anyone. And unfortunately I think she already knows that.

She's smart.
She's independent.
Oh, yes, and she is STUBBORN!

She can say anything she wants to say, but 99% of the time she doesn't want to say ANYTHING when we want her too. Stinker.
We love the little person she is becoming, it's a miracle every day watching her grown and learn.

I love her guts.

**This pictures is from almost exactly a year ago (Jul 21, 2009 to be exact). Look how much my baby has grown!