A little bit awkward:
Showing up for my OB appointment a week before my actual appointment. The right day and right time, just a week early!
Having my daughter YELL "toot toot" in the middle of a store because someone else on the isle passed gas.
Calling my husband at work and instead of asking for SSgt Laurence I said Jonathan, then hung up from embarrassment.
Having to cross your legs when you sneeze, then looking up to see 3 other moms looking at you sympathetically. I guess I wasn't as discreet as I thought.
Having an elderly lady tell you that your daughter needs a jacket on because it's cool outside. But she DOES have a jacket on and you don't know what to say.
Tearing up and then crying during a college football game because one of the players went down.
Having a friend ask you a question that you really don't want to answer because they really don't want to know the truth.
A little awesome:
My husband getting up at 4:30 with our wide awake daughter because I tossed and turned all night.
My daughter - enough said.
Feeling a little life moving inside of me, which is, by the way, the most amazing thing ever.
Having a clean house AND being caught up on laundry. It's amazing the things that make you happy when you get older and become a mom.
Getting the exact gift we wanted for Isabella's birthday and spending $20 less than we expected! SWEET!
The fact that the hair on my legs virtually stops growing when I'm pregnant. Nothing better than that.
Putting up my Christmas tree in another 10 days! I know Thanksgiving comes first, but why can't we celebrate Thanksgiving with a beautiful Christmas tree in the background?
Having awesome friends and family, near and far, who love and support you. The life we live because of Jonathan's career is hard at times, but we have met some awesome people who have changed our lives, and that's what it's all about! And family is family! :)
So that's my awkward and awesome. Is it weird for me to blog about things other than Isabella?
To finish it off, a little awkward and a little awesome photo style.
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