Thursday, January 29, 2009
Uncle Rick
After thinking long and hard we decided to ask Jonathan's brother Rick to be Isabella's Godfather. We started thinking about this before she was born but never really decided. We need to get our wills together and we had to make a choice. Jonathan called Rick on Sunday (Jan 25, 09) and asked him if he would be Isabella's Godfather and he said yes. He was honored to be asked and we were very happy that he accepted. I guess it was meant to be, they do share a birthday after all! It's a good feeling knowing that if something where to happen to us she will be well taken care of.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Daddy and Isabella Napping
I took these pictures a few days ago. Jonathan and Isabella were taking a nap on the couch and I just thought it was too cute.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
What A Night
I don't know how people do this! Last night Isabella was in rare form and it made me appreciate what a good baby she really is. From 11 - 3:30 she was awake and crying. There was nothing we could do to calm her down. As soon as she would start to fall asleep she would scream. We tried everything in our arsenal of baby calming. We fed her, changed her diaper, changed her clothes, swaddled her, unswaddled her, held her, put her down, put her in the swing. Nothing helped! She didn't have a fever but she was very wheezy so I suctioned her nose and mouth and that just made her even more mad! The 5 S's, which we live by, didn't even work. We felt so bad that nothing seemed to help. It is the worst feeling in the world to have a crying baby and not being able to help them. My heart was breaking for her! She finally went to sleep at 3:30 and stayed asleep until 6:30. When she woke up she acted fine, she ate, and went right back to sleep. I couldn't go back to sleep so I'm definitely going to have to get a nap in today. I'm going to be much more appreciative of her sleeping habits from now on. I couldn't handle many nights like that, I would totally lose my mind!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Isabella's First Date
Isabella went on her first date last night! Long before she was born she was betrothed to the neighbor's unborn son Riley. Although she is 18 days older than him the age difference didn't seem to matter. Of course all the adults had to tag along to chaperone! We got to eat sushi and have adult conversation, it was great! This is what Riley had to say about the date on his blog:
"I had my first date tonight. It was fun. I got dressed up and Mommy and Daddy took me out to meet Isabella and her family. We napped and drank some milk and pooped out pants together. I do have to say that it was kind of embarrassing that Mom and Dad had to tag along but I don't have a drivers license yet. I also though it was totally embarrassing when our moms made us take pictures. Isabella didn't like it at all and I tried to comfort her but I realized I was still a little hungry and so I licked her hair... just a little. I hope I didn't upset her more."
He's a nice guy, I think we will let her see him again!
Oh yeah, here are the aforementioned pictures.

Mommy just likes to play with Photoshop.

This is the first time I've ever seen her look like me. I guess she really does have my eyes.

They are still getting the hang of sitting up, he leans on her, she leans on the couch. Everyone is happy.

He made a move on her, but she let him know she was lady! No kissing on the first date Riley!

She was mad/hungry. Riley tried to comfort her by tasting her hair, it didn't work.
"I had my first date tonight. It was fun. I got dressed up and Mommy and Daddy took me out to meet Isabella and her family. We napped and drank some milk and pooped out pants together. I do have to say that it was kind of embarrassing that Mom and Dad had to tag along but I don't have a drivers license yet. I also though it was totally embarrassing when our moms made us take pictures. Isabella didn't like it at all and I tried to comfort her but I realized I was still a little hungry and so I licked her hair... just a little. I hope I didn't upset her more."
He's a nice guy, I think we will let her see him again!
Oh yeah, here are the aforementioned pictures.

Mommy just likes to play with Photoshop.
This is the first time I've ever seen her look like me. I guess she really does have my eyes.

They are still getting the hang of sitting up, he leans on her, she leans on the couch. Everyone is happy.
He made a move on her, but she let him know she was lady! No kissing on the first date Riley!

She was mad/hungry. Riley tried to comfort her by tasting her hair, it didn't work.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Videos, finally
Mommy and Isabella playing after a feeding, then she poops.
Daddy loves to pick out Isa's outfits and dress her. They are so sweet together.
Having fun in the Pack N Play. (We would never leave her alone in there with all that stuff, Mommy was with her the whole time!)
Friday, January 09, 2009
She's Growing and Changing
Isabella has finally moved up to size one diapers! The newborns were getting to be too short and her little baby butt crack was showing. She's our little lady so we just couldn't let that happen. Not to mention all the poop that could escape from there. To date all of her poops have remained in the confines of her diapers and we like it that way!
She is growing and changing every day, her little face is so chubby now, we just love it. She is spending a lot more time awake now so we get lots of play and cuddle time. She has started "talking" a lot more recently. You know, making sounds that aren't crying? Its so much fun to listen to her cooing and gurgling. We are talking to her a lot, and she just loves to look right into your eyes while you do it. She has the prettiest eyes but they still haven't decided what color they want to be. They are without a doubt changing, we just cant tell what they are changing to.
In other news I finally gave up on breastfeeding. The whole ordeal was just too stressful on everyone and despite my best efforts my milk supply continued to decrease. I was very upset about it at first, but now I am at peace with our decision. I know she will be just fine, and now that I'm not stressing about the breastfeeding all the time I'll be fine too. She got 5 weeks worth, that had to count for something, right?
And one last thing, I took my first shower yesterday with no one home but me and her! I put her in her bouncy and sat her in bathroom while I took a quick shower. She was fine, but I was a nervous wreck. I don't know exactly what I was worried about, but I'm glad I finally braved it. I can shower whenever I want now! Its amazing how such small things seems so big when you have a baby!

She is growing and changing every day, her little face is so chubby now, we just love it. She is spending a lot more time awake now so we get lots of play and cuddle time. She has started "talking" a lot more recently. You know, making sounds that aren't crying? Its so much fun to listen to her cooing and gurgling. We are talking to her a lot, and she just loves to look right into your eyes while you do it. She has the prettiest eyes but they still haven't decided what color they want to be. They are without a doubt changing, we just cant tell what they are changing to.
In other news I finally gave up on breastfeeding. The whole ordeal was just too stressful on everyone and despite my best efforts my milk supply continued to decrease. I was very upset about it at first, but now I am at peace with our decision. I know she will be just fine, and now that I'm not stressing about the breastfeeding all the time I'll be fine too. She got 5 weeks worth, that had to count for something, right?
And one last thing, I took my first shower yesterday with no one home but me and her! I put her in her bouncy and sat her in bathroom while I took a quick shower. She was fine, but I was a nervous wreck. I don't know exactly what I was worried about, but I'm glad I finally braved it. I can shower whenever I want now! Its amazing how such small things seems so big when you have a baby!
Sunday, January 04, 2009
She's A Month Old?
How can Isabella be a month old already? It seems like the time has just melted away, like someone hit fast forward on our lives. Even though I have been with her virtually every moment there is almost a feeling like I somehow missed it all. Maybe its the lack of sleep or busy schedule we have had. Either way, it does not feel like my baby should be a month old already! It scares me how the coming years will be. Will I be like my friends and have a hard time remembering her being this small? Will it be hard to imagine she ever fit into her tiny little clothes? I want to remember every moment of her life yet I know it can never happen. I try daily to etch every face she makes into my mind, wishing I could keep it forever. I can't imagine being apart from her ever, I wish she was still attached!
On the other hand I love every day that passes. When she smiles, when she looks at me, when she does something silly I just melt. I can't imagine my life without her now. I can look back at pictures from a month ago and see how tiny she was and it makes me feel so proud that she is growing so well. I'm so glad that she is healthy and happy and here with us. I know she is going to continue to grow, and one day she might even think she doesn't need her Mommy anymore. For now I'm just going to kiss her, hug her, and snuggle her all I can...while she can't run away.

On the other hand I love every day that passes. When she smiles, when she looks at me, when she does something silly I just melt. I can't imagine my life without her now. I can look back at pictures from a month ago and see how tiny she was and it makes me feel so proud that she is growing so well. I'm so glad that she is healthy and happy and here with us. I know she is going to continue to grow, and one day she might even think she doesn't need her Mommy anymore. For now I'm just going to kiss her, hug her, and snuggle her all I can...while she can't run away.
Friday, January 02, 2009
A Few Things From The New Year
I cannot believe we were awake at midnight to bring in the NEW YEAR! Actually, Isabella and I had been asleep but she woke up to eat about 11:15 and we stayed up to see Big Ben Chime! (So British) After she ate she was sleeping on my chest, she was so warm and snuggly. All of the sudden she lifted her head and looked straight at me with the biggest smile on her face. I looked into her eyes and she let out the biggest burp I have ever heard come out of a baby! Jonathan and I were both shocked, it was 10 seconds of total silence followed by 5 minutes of hilarious laughter! She is her mother's daughter I guess, we all know how skilled I am in the burping department.
In other news we took Isabella to her WIC appointment today. I was very afraid of what they would say to me about the breastfeeding. The lady we saw was super nice (so much nicer than her WIC counterparts), she made one comment about how the paci was bad for breast fed babies with latch issues and moved on. I respected that so much! She said what she needed to say and then moved on, no guilt, no shaming. I know she is right, but its not like we gave her the paci right off, and Isabella never latched on anyway. So, anyway, Isa is now officially a partially breast fed, partially bottle fed baby. She has always been this, but its official now. I'm still pumping for her and I'm waiting to see if the fenugreek will kick in. I'm sure it just needs some time to get into my system. The other day one of my friends said that I was a good Mom for trying to hard and that Isa was a lucky girl to have me. It was SO nice to hear, I need to hear that.
On to the big news!
Isabella is growing fast, she is really a little porker. Im sure you all remember the weight issues we were having in the beginning, well that is now long behind us! Just 4 weeks ago Isabella was 6lbs 12.8 she is a whopping 8lbs 3 oz! (I think she is only about 8 lbs, when they weighed her she still had her clothes on and a poop in her diaper.) She is still super tiny, but she is finally catching up to where she needs to be. Whatever we are doing we are doing it right! Way to grow girl!
Now, my big news. I weighed myself while we were at WIC. Im now 12 lbs less than my pre pregnancy weight. IM SO EXCITED! I cant wait to get my Wii Fit and get my butt in shape! (And the rest of me too!)
In other news we took Isabella to her WIC appointment today. I was very afraid of what they would say to me about the breastfeeding. The lady we saw was super nice (so much nicer than her WIC counterparts), she made one comment about how the paci was bad for breast fed babies with latch issues and moved on. I respected that so much! She said what she needed to say and then moved on, no guilt, no shaming. I know she is right, but its not like we gave her the paci right off, and Isabella never latched on anyway. So, anyway, Isa is now officially a partially breast fed, partially bottle fed baby. She has always been this, but its official now. I'm still pumping for her and I'm waiting to see if the fenugreek will kick in. I'm sure it just needs some time to get into my system. The other day one of my friends said that I was a good Mom for trying to hard and that Isa was a lucky girl to have me. It was SO nice to hear, I need to hear that.
On to the big news!
Isabella is growing fast, she is really a little porker. Im sure you all remember the weight issues we were having in the beginning, well that is now long behind us! Just 4 weeks ago Isabella was 6lbs 12.8 she is a whopping 8lbs 3 oz! (I think she is only about 8 lbs, when they weighed her she still had her clothes on and a poop in her diaper.) She is still super tiny, but she is finally catching up to where she needs to be. Whatever we are doing we are doing it right! Way to grow girl!
Now, my big news. I weighed myself while we were at WIC. Im now 12 lbs less than my pre pregnancy weight. IM SO EXCITED! I cant wait to get my Wii Fit and get my butt in shape! (And the rest of me too!)
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