Tuesday, May 12, 2009

What's In My Mouth?

It's your tongue silly girl!

Isabella has never been one to stick her tongue out, the only time she would even do anything that looked like sticking her tongue out was when she still had the tongue thrust reflex. We have had some worry over her being tongue tied and having other issues with moving her mouth. Well out of nowhere yesterday she started sticking her tongue out at us AND blowing raspberries! I was so happy I almost cried, this is really big for her. I called her doctor even, he said its good news medically and that we should encourage her to stick her tongue out as often as possible. So, here is the video! =)

1 comment:

  1. How awesome, Nickie! I remember how excited we were when Anya was able to stick out her tongue after her surgery. Amazing how such a simple thing can bring us so much joy!
