Here is a picture of Isabella's first bath suit! She cant wait to wear it this summer when she is home in GA and FL!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Roly Poly Baby
I put Isabella down for tummy time today and for the first time ever she didn't freak out. I was so happy, but little did I know how excited I was about to be. She was happy and kicking and playing when all of the sudden she started trying to roll over! I ran for the camera but by the time I came back she was fussy and not doing much. I held out just in case and it happened, she rolled over! I cannot believe I got it on video! Just shy of 12 weeks old and my little baby, who will do anything possible to avoid being on her tummy, rolled over. Im a very proud Mommy today...and every day!
Our First ER Visit
Sunday we had our very first visit to the ER for baby Isabella.
Friday afternoon Isa started being really irritable, we had a bad night Friday. Saturday we had to take out Jeep to get the estimate done for the insurance company so we were out of the house, she didn't do well at all. She basically screamed until she passed out. After this the diarrhea started, it wasn't too bad, just a few diapers. The rest of the day she was off and on sleeping and crying. She was hardly eating anything, this is what worried me the most.
Saturday night was a DISASTER! She was inconsolable, she suctioned her nose at least 20 times, we held her, we changed her clothes, changed her swaddle, anything we could think of. She was only eating like an ounce every 3 hours which totally freaked me out. We ended up giving her a dose of Tylenol and she went to sleep about 30 minutes later. Perhaps she had alittle baby headache from all the congestion, that was my theory. I think she slept all of 4 hours Saturday night.
Sunday morning we got up and she seemed a lot happier. I still wasn't happy with her eating so I called the Nurse Advice Line. They said it would be a good idea to take her into the ER just in case, so we did. We were there from 10am - 6pm. It was the most horrible day EVER! When we FINALLY saw the doctor she said that Isa likely has a virus and it should pass soon.
She is eating much better now and she still hasn't had a fever. We are still suctioning a lot but we'll do whatever it takes to make her feel better.
Oh yeah, she weighs 10 lbs 14 oz now! Grow baby grow!
Friday afternoon Isa started being really irritable, we had a bad night Friday. Saturday we had to take out Jeep to get the estimate done for the insurance company so we were out of the house, she didn't do well at all. She basically screamed until she passed out. After this the diarrhea started, it wasn't too bad, just a few diapers. The rest of the day she was off and on sleeping and crying. She was hardly eating anything, this is what worried me the most.
Saturday night was a DISASTER! She was inconsolable, she suctioned her nose at least 20 times, we held her, we changed her clothes, changed her swaddle, anything we could think of. She was only eating like an ounce every 3 hours which totally freaked me out. We ended up giving her a dose of Tylenol and she went to sleep about 30 minutes later. Perhaps she had alittle baby headache from all the congestion, that was my theory. I think she slept all of 4 hours Saturday night.
Sunday morning we got up and she seemed a lot happier. I still wasn't happy with her eating so I called the Nurse Advice Line. They said it would be a good idea to take her into the ER just in case, so we did. We were there from 10am - 6pm. It was the most horrible day EVER! When we FINALLY saw the doctor she said that Isa likely has a virus and it should pass soon.
She is eating much better now and she still hasn't had a fever. We are still suctioning a lot but we'll do whatever it takes to make her feel better.
Oh yeah, she weighs 10 lbs 14 oz now! Grow baby grow!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Bedtime Routine
We finally started Isabella's bedtime routine last night. She is very fussy in the evenings so it has been easier to just give her what she wants and to be at her mercy so far. But yesterday we talked and decided that this really had to stop or we would always be at her mercy. We set up the baby monitor and made a plan! After dinner we played and made videos then had a bottle. At about 7:45 we went upstairs to get her ready for bed. We cuddled, got her in her jammies, Jonathan read her a story while I held her, and then we turned on Baby Tad for 10 minutes. She was out about 4 minutes into the music! I thought for sure once I sat her in the bassinet she would wake up and scream, but she didnt. She hasnt been doing so good with the bassinet since the weekend so we were really shocked. She slept from about 8:30 to 1 without a peep. She woke up again about 4:30 for food and then slept until 8. Don't even ask me what happened to my baby that was sleeping through the night, she's apparently gone again. I know its not a perfect routine because idealy she would fall asleep in her bassinet, but this is a big step for us. I was so excited I just thought I would share. We are going to try again tonight and see how it goes!
BTW - we were in bed last night at 10, that hasn't happened in a very long itme. It was heaven.
BTW - we were in bed last night at 10, that hasn't happened in a very long itme. It was heaven.
Just Pictures from the Weekend
Valentine'e Day
Okay - so this is a few days late, so sue me! We didn't really so much for Valentine's day. On Friday Isabella and I made chocolate covered fortune cookies for Jonathan and he bought is lilies! The fotune cookies were SO good and Jonathan was very excited, you would have thought someone had handed him a million dollars the way he acted. We all know what a sweet tooth he has. I didn't get apicture of the fortune cookies but I did get a picture of the flowers.

We spent the day as a family and had a good time. We didn't want to stay home because we both knew I would end up cleaning. So I got my haircut in the mornng, then we picked up Isabella's new Little Einstein "entertainment center". Got some paperwork filled out for the car we got rid of and headed to the BX. We ended up buying a new monitor to go with out new computer, its much bigger than our old one and I am surprised at how much better the quality is. Oh yeah, and Isabella got a new toy at the BXtra after my haircut. Its a very cute "Loopapalooza" that attaches to her carseat, she LOVES it. After all that excitement we came home and played and got in our jammies and hung out on the couch the rest of the night. Since we didnt have a reservations anywhere I made turkey burgers and tater tots. Jonathan was going to make fish but time go away and it was just too late to cook a big meal.
So that was our exciting Valentine's Day. We spent the rest of the long weekend watching movies and being lazy. We did manage to get some laundry done! Here is a picture of Isabella in her cute outfit from Saturday. Yes, I put her in red because it was Valentine's Day, and yes I know Im corny.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Fender Bender in the Snow
As I'm sure most of you know by now I was in a car accident on Thursday night. It was more of a fender bender really. Luckily no one was hurt and Isabella was not in the car with me when it happened. It was snowing and a car rear ended me, it could have been a lot worse really. When the car hit me it pushed me several feet into the intersection, but luckily there weren't any cars coming to hit me. In the beginning we thought it was just a little cosmetic damage to the bumper but upon further inspection discovered that the trunk door is broken as well. Its jammed shut and cannot be opened. =( This is very inconvenient when you have a 2 month old and need a stroller most places you go. Thank goodness we got the snap n go that will fit in our backseat! Our insurance company called today and said everything is taken care of with the other person's insurance company, so we will not have to pay our deductible. This is only fair seeing as how it isn't our fault! They gave us the name of the body shop which is USAA approved and we can take it in ASAP to get an estimate and get the work done. Our insurance will also pay for a "courtesy car" while ours is being repaired. I don't think it will take long to repair, its going to be waiting on the parts that will take forever. (American car in England, remember!) All in all Im just happy that Isabella was safe at home when it all happened, that no one was hurt, and that it'll all be fixed and over soon. I need to take better pictures, but I took these the night it happened.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Trying Out The Bumbo
We opened the Bumbo and gave it a try yesterday. Isabella did really well, but I don't think she is quite ready to stay in it for very long. One of her favorite new things is to be upright so sitting in her new Bumbo chair was a great treat. She was more interested in watching TV than having her picture taken.

Monday, February 09, 2009
Thursday, February 05, 2009
Two Months Old
Isabella had her 2 month appointment yesterday. The doctor we saw was awesome, I liked him even better than the first one we saw. If its at all possible I'm going to request him for her 4 month appointment.
The only real concerns we had was her eating what seems like so little and the red spot on her head. He said that some babies do what they call "newborn eating", eating small amounts often, for longer than others, it just takes them a little longer to move on to bigger amounts over longer periods of time. Apparently this is especially common in babies born on the smaller side. As long as she is getting 24 - 32 ounces a day its not an issue since she is growing and developing nicely. He said the red spot on her head is a common hemangioma and that its nothing to worry about. Her's is so tiny and its not raised so he said it will just be hidden by her hair. They usually go away by age two anyway.
He did a very thorough examination of her and she passed everything with flying colors. He said that she was one of the most laid back babies he had ever seen, and that we very lucky. I agree! Her skin looked great not a rash in sight, her head control is exceptional, all of her social interactions were right on track, she is just all around perfect! I know he probably says it to everyone, but he said that she is really smart and that he was impressed with her.
The only thing we got "in trouble" for is not making her do more tummy time. I said that she wouldn't tolerate being on her stomach and he said that she would, I just had to be tough. He rolled her over and wouldn't ya know she laid there and cooed and smiled at him. He explained to us how important it is and why, so that's our new goal, more tummy time. He said that he was impressed she didn't a have a bald spot since she didn't to tummy time. She does have tummy time on my chest though! He said that was fine so far, but now I need to let her be flat so she can develop her muscles.
I wasn't thrilled to hear some of the thing he had to say, but he is right, she is growing up and needs me less than she did last month. He said that the first two months are about building trust and making them secure, after that its time to be a parent. This means loosening my grip and letting her be more independent. (ie. letting her have tummy time on her tummy, letting her cry just a little, not holding her while she is sleeping at night.)
So, on to the stats. She is 9 lbs 15 oz, 21.4" long, and her head is 15". Apparently she hasn't grown as much as we had thought. She is only in the 10th percentile for her height, but she looks SO long now. I think its because she is thing and her arms and legs are so long. It elongates her whole body. He said that length is genetic and there is nothing we can do about that, but that she is gaining and growing nicely. She might just be "petite" like Mom, but with legs like a supermodel. I added that last part!
She got three shots and the liquid vaccination. It was like she knew something was going to happen when we got into the room. She got all bug eyed and was swinging her head all around looking at everything. When the nurse was loading the syringes Isa wouldn't take her eyes off of them. I kept telling Jonathan to cover here eyes. She did great with the liquid, I wonder what the taste like? She made the silliest face. The first shot she looked like "What the heck?" and she looked right at Jonathan. (He was holding her on the table.) The second shot she started to cry a little. When she got the third shot blood started running out of her leg, I thought I was going to faint! I'm not afraid of needles or blood, it was just the look on her face and the blood was so unexpected. I almost knocked the nurse over trying to pick Isa up. As soon as she was upright she had stopped crying. That made Mommy feel so much better! She got a fever yesterday but I managed not to panic since I know its common. I gave her some tylenol and it went right now. She slept most of the day yesterday and really well last night. I'm glad she is protected now!
The only real concerns we had was her eating what seems like so little and the red spot on her head. He said that some babies do what they call "newborn eating", eating small amounts often, for longer than others, it just takes them a little longer to move on to bigger amounts over longer periods of time. Apparently this is especially common in babies born on the smaller side. As long as she is getting 24 - 32 ounces a day its not an issue since she is growing and developing nicely. He said the red spot on her head is a common hemangioma and that its nothing to worry about. Her's is so tiny and its not raised so he said it will just be hidden by her hair. They usually go away by age two anyway.
He did a very thorough examination of her and she passed everything with flying colors. He said that she was one of the most laid back babies he had ever seen, and that we very lucky. I agree! Her skin looked great not a rash in sight, her head control is exceptional, all of her social interactions were right on track, she is just all around perfect! I know he probably says it to everyone, but he said that she is really smart and that he was impressed with her.
The only thing we got "in trouble" for is not making her do more tummy time. I said that she wouldn't tolerate being on her stomach and he said that she would, I just had to be tough. He rolled her over and wouldn't ya know she laid there and cooed and smiled at him. He explained to us how important it is and why, so that's our new goal, more tummy time. He said that he was impressed she didn't a have a bald spot since she didn't to tummy time. She does have tummy time on my chest though! He said that was fine so far, but now I need to let her be flat so she can develop her muscles.
I wasn't thrilled to hear some of the thing he had to say, but he is right, she is growing up and needs me less than she did last month. He said that the first two months are about building trust and making them secure, after that its time to be a parent. This means loosening my grip and letting her be more independent. (ie. letting her have tummy time on her tummy, letting her cry just a little, not holding her while she is sleeping at night.)
So, on to the stats. She is 9 lbs 15 oz, 21.4" long, and her head is 15". Apparently she hasn't grown as much as we had thought. She is only in the 10th percentile for her height, but she looks SO long now. I think its because she is thing and her arms and legs are so long. It elongates her whole body. He said that length is genetic and there is nothing we can do about that, but that she is gaining and growing nicely. She might just be "petite" like Mom, but with legs like a supermodel. I added that last part!
She got three shots and the liquid vaccination. It was like she knew something was going to happen when we got into the room. She got all bug eyed and was swinging her head all around looking at everything. When the nurse was loading the syringes Isa wouldn't take her eyes off of them. I kept telling Jonathan to cover here eyes. She did great with the liquid, I wonder what the taste like? She made the silliest face. The first shot she looked like "What the heck?" and she looked right at Jonathan. (He was holding her on the table.) The second shot she started to cry a little. When she got the third shot blood started running out of her leg, I thought I was going to faint! I'm not afraid of needles or blood, it was just the look on her face and the blood was so unexpected. I almost knocked the nurse over trying to pick Isa up. As soon as she was upright she had stopped crying. That made Mommy feel so much better! She got a fever yesterday but I managed not to panic since I know its common. I gave her some tylenol and it went right now. She slept most of the day yesterday and really well last night. I'm glad she is protected now!
Monday, February 02, 2009
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