Sunday we had our very first visit to the ER for baby Isabella.
Friday afternoon Isa started being really irritable, we had a bad night Friday. Saturday we had to take out Jeep to get the estimate done for the insurance company so we were out of the house, she didn't do well at all. She basically screamed until she passed out. After this the diarrhea started, it wasn't too bad, just a few diapers. The rest of the day she was off and on sleeping and crying. She was hardly eating anything, this is what worried me the most.
Saturday night was a DISASTER! She was inconsolable, she suctioned her nose at least 20 times, we held her, we changed her clothes, changed her swaddle, anything we could think of. She was only eating like an ounce every 3 hours which totally freaked me out. We ended up giving her a dose of Tylenol and she went to sleep about 30 minutes later. Perhaps she had alittle baby headache from all the congestion, that was my theory. I think she slept all of 4 hours Saturday night.
Sunday morning we got up and she seemed a lot happier. I still wasn't happy with her eating so I called the Nurse Advice Line. They said it would be a good idea to take her into the ER just in case, so we did. We were there from 10am - 6pm. It was the most horrible day EVER! When we FINALLY saw the doctor she said that Isa likely has a virus and it should pass soon.
She is eating much better now and she still hasn't had a fever. We are still suctioning a lot but we'll do whatever it takes to make her feel better.
Oh yeah, she weighs 10 lbs 14 oz now! Grow baby grow!
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