Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Valentine'e Day

Okay - so this is a few days late, so sue me! We didn't really so much for Valentine's day. On Friday Isabella and I made chocolate covered fortune cookies for Jonathan and he bought is lilies! The fotune cookies were SO good and Jonathan was very excited, you would have thought someone had handed him a million dollars the way he acted. We all know what a sweet tooth he has. I didn't get apicture of the fortune cookies but I did get a picture of the flowers.

We spent the day as a family and had a good time. We didn't want to stay home because we both knew I would end up cleaning. So I got my haircut in the mornng, then we picked up Isabella's new Little Einstein "entertainment center". Got some paperwork filled out for the car we got rid of and headed to the BX. We ended up buying a new monitor to go with out new computer, its much bigger than our old one and I am surprised at how much better the quality is. Oh yeah, and Isabella got a new toy at the BXtra after my haircut. Its a very cute "Loopapalooza" that attaches to her carseat, she LOVES it. After all that excitement we came home and played and got in our jammies and hung out on the couch the rest of the night. Since we didnt have a reservations anywhere I made turkey burgers and tater tots. Jonathan was going to make fish but time go away and it was just too late to cook a big meal.

So that was our exciting Valentine's Day. We spent the rest of the long weekend watching movies and being lazy. We did manage to get some laundry done! Here is a picture of Isabella in her cute outfit from Saturday. Yes, I put her in red because it was Valentine's Day, and yes I know Im corny.

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