Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Baby Ballerina
Here is our pretty girl in her new tutu that her Mom made for her with love! <3 (I'm getting crafty in my old age. Now if I could only learn to sew.)

Sunday, March 29, 2009
In The Exersaucer
I had Jonathan bring the exersacuer back downstairs today. Isabella LOVES it and she is very good at playing with the toys already. She was smiling as soon as I put her down. When she was little I never wanted her to get bigger or older, now that she is bigger and older I love it. I love watching her play, explore, and learn! We have so much fun now and every day she does something that amazes me. I love being Isabella's Mommy. I really have the life, I am so blessed!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Park Pictures
Here are some pictures from the park. We tried to get pictures of Riley and Isabella together but he was sleepy and prefered a nap.
Weekend Update
Even though we had a miserable week with Jonathan going into work almost every day of his vacation we had a great weekend. The weather was beautiful and we took full advantage. Friday afternoon we went bowling and then to the park with our friends, and Saturday we went to a BBQ. Here are a few pictures from the Bowling Alley for you to enjoy.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Isa's First Photo Shoot
We took Isabella to have her pictures made yesterday. I was worried that she wouldnt cooperate, but after a bottle she did great! A local man who has a studio set up in his home did the pictures and we were very impressed. The pictures look amazing and he was very patient with our crying, drooling, non smiling for the camera baby. Every picture is so cute I dont know how we will ever choose which ones to buy!
Oh yeah, the pictures of Isabella and Jonathan were my idea. I was so proud of how they turned out, and that the photographer liked the idea and said he would use it in the future!
Maybe I am biased, but I think we have a future model on our hands!
Oh yeah, the pictures of Isabella and Jonathan were my idea. I was so proud of how they turned out, and that the photographer liked the idea and said he would use it in the future!
Maybe I am biased, but I think we have a future model on our hands!
The Crib, A Great Place to Sleep
So, we did it, we moved Isabella to her crib at night! I was so worried that it was going to go badly, but like Jonathan said, I wasn't worried as much as I was hoping. If it was a disaster I could put her back in her bassinet and say we tried! hehe I know that we need to get her used to sleeping in her crib before the move because at 6 or 7 months she is going to be set in her ways. Getting her out of our room would be too hardat that point. But at only 3 months, and as tiny as she is, the crib seems like a big scary place. Plus she is all alone! I can't imagine how some people have put there kids in the crib from the beginning. I don't think its wrong or that they are bad parents, its just not for me. She feels so far away and I hate it, but I must admit that I sleep much better with her in the other room. I don't wake up every time she coughs or makes the slightest noise. AND Im less likely to fall asleep holding her because I have to get up and go to her room. The first night Jonathan had to make me leave the room after we put her in the crib. I was devistated that she liked it so much. Her crib vibrates and she has a rainforest soother, what's not to like? The ONLY thing that has made this all possible is that we have a video monitor and I can see her all throughout the night when I wake up. So far she has spent FIVE nights in her crib, I think we are past the point of no return. My baby as moved on to her big girl bed! Being a Mom is heartbreaking...but I love it.
They Grow Like Weeds
Isabella is growing like you all couldn't imagine. I'm not sure how much she weighs, but she looks SO long. Everyone comments on her long legs and arms. That's so forgein to me as that is something no one would ever need to comment about me. Of course one glance at her Daddy and you know exactlly how it happened.
She is so strong and active, no calm sleepy baby here. She can roll over from her tummy to her back, she can sit up (when propped), and her favorite thing to do lately is "stand up". She is trying to roll from her back to stomach already and it scares the daylights out of me. You cannot take your eye off of her for one second. Her newest thing is that she wants to see everything. Everyone we see comments on how alert she is. She wants to be held facing out at all times, or if she is facing you she has to be high enough over your shoulder to see everything. She is starting to get super frustrated with her stroller because she is still riding in her carseat which reclines her (which she hates) and she can't look around (which she hates). I dont think she is big enough to ride in the stroller without the carseat attached though.
Other new things are "talking", laughing, and drooling. She loves to stand up and look at you face to face and just talk away. Its funny because I pretend I know what she is saying and we have conversations! We talk about our family members that we miss, we talk about colors and the alphabet, and most of all we talk about moving home to America! She laughs at all of this! Its not a full on laugh yet, but its still cute as can be. And finally the drooling, oh my does she drool. All of the sudden her fingers are always in her mouth, and anything else she can get in there. She doesnt suck on them so much as she just slobbers and moves whatever is in her mouth all around. Teething? I'm not sure.
**I'm really behind on posts because Jonathan is on leave this week!**
Last Friday, 13 March 09, Jonathan FINALLY reenlisted. He raised his right hand and sold his soul to the Air Force for another 4 years. Im kidding, he raised his right hand and vowed to defend his country and serve PROUDLY for another 4 years. When this enlistment is over we will have 12 years in, looks like we are in it for the long haul. Being semi retired at 39 wont be so bad, right? hehe I was really happy that my neighbor was able to give me and Isabella a ride over to Jonathan's shop so that we could see his reenlistment. There has to be a flag for reenlistment and Jonathan got to use the HUGE flag in their hanger (see picture). The Officer who did his reenlistment announced that this was a "big one" since it would put him at 12 years. She made the guys in the shop who were standing around come and stand at attention for the 2 minute ceremony. It all made Jonathan very nervous and embarrassed, but I thought it was great.
Remember, no matter how you feel about Bush or the war in Iraq, support your troops. Jonathan and his colleagues are out there every day working hard to defend your rights, and to give our kids a safe tomorrow because they are so blessed to be American.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Just funny
Isabella was sitting in her Bumbo playing with this little monkey. She got excited, as babies tend to do, and she accidently knocked it on the floor. I picked it up and when I showed it to her I went "Peek A Boo" really loud and it scared her. I felt terrible because she started crying. When I got her calmed down I tried to give her the monkey back and she would have nothing to do with it. This is the face she kept giving the monkey.
I love laughing at my daugher. Kids are so much fun!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Bath Time
Today Isabella had her first bath without the infant sling in her tub and she loved it! She was able to really get in the water for the first time. She had fun kicking her legs and playing with her water toys. She was definitely ready for this transition.
Saturday, March 07, 2009
Thursday, March 05, 2009
Yes, more pictures!
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
3 Months Old
Her best tricks are sleeping through the night, rolling over, and waking up to eat right when dinner is done.
Her hair is still reddish brown, and her eyes still haven't made up their mind. Yesterday I would have sworn they were green, but today they look more brown!
She is 23" long and weighs in at 11lb 2.5 ounces. The nurse who weighed her said she is healthy but long and skinny...thats why I call her my noodle!
I caught her on camera smiling REALLY big for the first time today.
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
Isabella rolled over again yesterday. She officially has discovered a way to escape the worst thing even...tummy time!
Imagine my surprise when I woke up this morning to discover that Isabella had slept through the night AGAIN! Thats 2 nights in a row. Lets make this a habit Isabella!
Imagine my surprise when I woke up this morning to discover that Isabella had slept through the night AGAIN! Thats 2 nights in a row. Lets make this a habit Isabella!
Monday, March 02, 2009
Quick Update
Not a lot has happened since our last update. Isabella still sick so we're trying to stay home as much as possible. Luckily we have been able to get out of the house some. Although she is still having a hard time breathing she has been in good spirits. As I mentioned before she rolled over again yesterday, proving that it was not a fluke when she did it before. Jonathan and I were both here and got to see her rollover this time. We were cheering her on and it was so exciting! I just can't believe how big she is getting, and how fast everything is happening. Being a parent is challenging and rewarding at the same time; it's all worth it when you get to see your baby happy and healthy.
In other news, Jonathan's performance review is due this week. This means that he should be able to reenlist soon, God willing. Hopefully we will be getting orders soon then we will know where we're going, and have a better idea of when will be home for a visit. I cannot wait, not knowing has been killing me. I've been so homesick lately, I just want to come home and see my family. And of course, I can't wait for you all to meet Isabella. Poor Jonathan hasn't been home in three years so he is definitely ready.
No more updates for now here are some pictures to keep you entertained!
Love you guys, only a few more months.
Sunday, March 01, 2009
Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'
Isabella rolled over two more times this morning for her Daddy. What a big girl we have! You should have seen us cheering her on, it was so funny.
A better update coming soon, with PICTURES!
A better update coming soon, with PICTURES!
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