Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Bath Time

Today Isabella had her first bath without the infant sling in her tub and she loved it! She was able to really get in the water for the first time. She had fun kicking her legs and playing with her water toys. She was definitely ready for this transition.


  1. it's so funny to watch her toes curling!!!

  2. She always curls those toes, I think she is going to be a pincher like me!

  3. she is just chillin in there! makenzie soes the same thing with her toes haha!

  4. Cute! We just took the sling out of Sierra's tub last week, too, though we had been using it as a cushion and not a real sling since her second home bath. It seems like Isabella is much more considerate than Sierra - I end up soaked with all of the splashing she does.

  5. I have just been using one of those slings in the tub for Zoie Maybe I should get her tub back out so she can enjoy the water a bit more :) We have the same tub! Isabella looks so relaxed!
