Friday, March 20, 2009


**I'm really behind on posts because Jonathan is on leave this week!**

Last Friday, 13 March 09, Jonathan FINALLY reenlisted. He raised his right hand and sold his soul to the Air Force for another 4 years. Im kidding, he raised his right hand and vowed to defend his country and serve PROUDLY for another 4 years. When this enlistment is over we will have 12 years in, looks like we are in it for the long haul. Being semi retired at 39 wont be so bad, right? hehe I was really happy that my neighbor was able to give me and Isabella a ride over to Jonathan's shop so that we could see his reenlistment. There has to be a flag for reenlistment and Jonathan got to use the HUGE flag in their hanger (see picture). The Officer who did his reenlistment announced that this was a "big one" since it would put him at 12 years. She made the guys in the shop who were standing around come and stand at attention for the 2 minute ceremony. It all made Jonathan very nervous and embarrassed, but I thought it was great.

Remember, no matter how you feel about Bush or the war in Iraq, support your troops. Jonathan and his colleagues are out there every day working hard to defend your rights, and to give our kids a safe tomorrow because they are so blessed to be American.

1 comment:

  1. Awww love the pics. I'm glad you got to be there for the reenlistment :)
