Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Welcome 2009

The Laurence family had a wonderful and surprising 2008. It has been incredible and we are so sad to see it go. Some things worth noting are:

  • We got pregnant...
  • Jonathan made Staff...
  • Nickie got to make a trip to the states...
  • Isabella was born...
  • We made some wonderful new friends...
  • And this was our last full year in England!
We are ready to see a new year begin as a new, growing family. 2009 promises to bring big changed for us. Soon we will be finding out where our next duty location is! Moving is always as exciting as it is exhausting. Every time we move we get so experience a new location with a different culture, new people and friends, and a new home. Please keep us in your prayers that we will be close to home (GA, and FL) so that we can visit more often. We're just trying for the East Coast! The year is going to be so exciting as we watch out little girl grow. We cannot wait to share more of our lives with her. The joy she brings us will just continue as the year goes on. We cannot believe that this time next year she won't be a baby anymore. Its okay though because we know she is going to grow into an amazing loving little person.

We hope that everyone has something to look forward to in the new year. Its a chance to start over and be better. If you had a lousy 2008 you can finally kiss it goodbye and move forward. No matter what 2009 brings we are so glad that we have wonderful friends and family to share it with.

Nickie, Jonathan, Isabella
Abby, Gracie

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

This Keeps Me Going

Who needs sleep when you have this? Just when I think I'm going to go crazy I look at her and its all worth it!

I cannot resist her.

She is such an angel.

Abby loves her sister, I guess
this is her idea of a hug!

Lesson Learned

Isabella woke up this morning at 2 am for a feeding. After she ate, and burped, she was fussy and didn't want to be laid down. So me being the smart lady I am I laid her down anyway. She spit up all over her outfit and swaddle me. I picked her up, cleaned her up, and gave her some more vertical time. When I tried to lay her down again she got fussy again. I finally got her settled and put her down in her bassinet, as soon as her back hit the mattress she puked everywhere. After that she was LIVID, I was able to get her calm, but it took me over an hour to get her to sleep. My lesson learned today....give the baby what she wants or I suffer!

Monday, December 29, 2008

Lil' Update

Today is Jonathan's first day back at work. I was very anxious about what the night would be like without his help. He is usually such a big help, but with him going back to work I knew he would need his sleep. Isabella went a very long time last night without eating so it wasn't so bad, not at all a typical night for us. We made it through and that's all that matters.

The past few nights have been hard for us. Isabella has rebelled against sleeping in her bassinet. I spoke too soon about her being happy anywhere. She wants me or Jonathan to hold her while she sleeps...forget putting her down after she is out. She is way too smart for that. As soon as you lay her down one of her little eyes will pop open and you are busted! It would be so easy to put her on the bed with us to sleep, but we do not want that. I honestly think she is having some gas issues. When I hold her on her side she passes so much gas over and over again. Her doctor told us not to give her Mylicon drops for a few months. I know a lot of people do it, but the doctor said no. There is a product on the British economy called Gripe Water and people swear by it. On the bottle is says one month, as Isabella is fast approaching one month old I'm thinking of investing. I can't imagine what her little tummy must feel like. Last night I bicycled her little legs like we were on the Tour de France. I swear she was smiling. I'm sure she felt better, but she still wanted to be held.

Breastfeeding is still not working out. She just does not want to latch on. I'm still pumping for her. It's not ideal, but at least she is getting my milk. At this point I know she is getting more formula than Mommy's milk, but I love giving her all that I can. I have some fenugreek coming in the mail and that is supposed to boost my supply, fingers crossed that it works. It's such a strange feeling, I get so frustrated with the pumping but when I think about stopping I just can't do it. I want her to have the best and I just can't give up yet. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers.

I can't believe how fast time is flying by. It seems like just yesterday I was pregnant and trying to imagine her face. I keep telling Jonathan that tomorrow she will be 1 and the day after that 16. I feel so blessed that I get to stay home with her and share every moment. I couldn't imagine missing out on any of this right now. She amazes me every day, my heart is so full of love for her. I keep wondering what I did right to deserve this.


Saturday, December 27, 2008

My wonderful husband...

All of the sudden yesterday I started feeling exhausted, I just couldn't keep my eyes open. Isabella was asleep and Jonathan was up doing something, I can't remember. He came in the room and saw me dozing off on the couch and made me an offer I couldn't refuse. He said "Why don't we go get in bed? You can take a nap, I'll watch a movie and take care of Isabella!" So it was about 4, I pumped and then went to sleep by 4:30. I didn't wake up until 11 pm!!!!!!!!! I almost fainted when I saw the clock. I asked why he didn't wake me and he said I looked too peaceful and he thought I needed the rest. I played with Isabella a little, fed her, changed her, ate a hot pocket, and played/cuddled her until she went to sleep again. I was back in bed falling asleep by 12:30. It was awesome! She didn't wake up again until 4 am...I don't think I've had that much sleep since March. Jonathan is just too good to me, I'm completely spoiled.


Thursday, December 25, 2008

Pre - Christmas Pictures

Our new family on Christmas Eve! We tried to get the girls in the picture, but it was impossible without an extra person to take the picture.

This is her "thinking face".

Our precious girl!

My Christmas dress for church.

Isabella and her new friend...the paci!

Check out my Santa Monkey!

Merry Christmas

We just wanted to take a moment to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. We are so sad that we couldn't be home with family, but feel blessed to be spending our first Christmas together as a family....something we were told would never happen. Its sad and sweet as well that this is our last Christmas in England. No one know where the Air Force will take us next, but that's an adventure for the New Year. We'll spend our time today thanking God for our beautiful angel daughter, and as always thinking of our beloved family and friends back home. Big hugs to everyone...and yes, we kissed the baby for you.

Nickie, Jonathan, Isabella
Abby, Gracie

Pictures coming soon

Monday, December 22, 2008

One More

One more post with new pictures of our little sweetie.

Isabella after a bath...that she pooped in.
Sleeping by the tree after along day of sleeping elsewhere.
Daddy put the elf hat on me, Mommy laughed.

Isabella met Santa!

We took Isabella to meet Santa on Saturday. She was so excited that she slept through the whole thing! At least we got pictures so she will always have that. I know that she isn't going to remember anything about this Christmas, but it will always the BEST Christmas ever for me and Jonathan. She is the best present we ever could have asked for. Santa is great and all, but this year our present came straight from God!

New blog

Okay - We're trying out something new (again). We're going to start trying to use this for all of our family/baby updates! Pictures, stories, videos...hopefully it will all be here for everyone to check out. The e-mail thing seems to only work about half the time. Keep checking in for updates, we plan to add them often!

Nickie and Jonathan