Monday, December 29, 2008

Lil' Update

Today is Jonathan's first day back at work. I was very anxious about what the night would be like without his help. He is usually such a big help, but with him going back to work I knew he would need his sleep. Isabella went a very long time last night without eating so it wasn't so bad, not at all a typical night for us. We made it through and that's all that matters.

The past few nights have been hard for us. Isabella has rebelled against sleeping in her bassinet. I spoke too soon about her being happy anywhere. She wants me or Jonathan to hold her while she sleeps...forget putting her down after she is out. She is way too smart for that. As soon as you lay her down one of her little eyes will pop open and you are busted! It would be so easy to put her on the bed with us to sleep, but we do not want that. I honestly think she is having some gas issues. When I hold her on her side she passes so much gas over and over again. Her doctor told us not to give her Mylicon drops for a few months. I know a lot of people do it, but the doctor said no. There is a product on the British economy called Gripe Water and people swear by it. On the bottle is says one month, as Isabella is fast approaching one month old I'm thinking of investing. I can't imagine what her little tummy must feel like. Last night I bicycled her little legs like we were on the Tour de France. I swear she was smiling. I'm sure she felt better, but she still wanted to be held.

Breastfeeding is still not working out. She just does not want to latch on. I'm still pumping for her. It's not ideal, but at least she is getting my milk. At this point I know she is getting more formula than Mommy's milk, but I love giving her all that I can. I have some fenugreek coming in the mail and that is supposed to boost my supply, fingers crossed that it works. It's such a strange feeling, I get so frustrated with the pumping but when I think about stopping I just can't do it. I want her to have the best and I just can't give up yet. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers.

I can't believe how fast time is flying by. It seems like just yesterday I was pregnant and trying to imagine her face. I keep telling Jonathan that tomorrow she will be 1 and the day after that 16. I feel so blessed that I get to stay home with her and share every moment. I couldn't imagine missing out on any of this right now. She amazes me every day, my heart is so full of love for her. I keep wondering what I did right to deserve this.


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