Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Fender Bender in the Snow

As I'm sure most of you know by now I was in a car accident on Thursday night. It was more of a fender bender really. Luckily no one was hurt and Isabella was not in the car with me when it happened. It was snowing and a car rear ended me, it could have been a lot worse really. When the car hit me it pushed me several feet into the intersection, but luckily there weren't any cars coming to hit me. In the beginning we thought it was just a little cosmetic damage to the bumper but upon further inspection discovered that the trunk door is broken as well. Its jammed shut and cannot be opened. =( This is very inconvenient when you have a 2 month old and need a stroller most places you go. Thank goodness we got the snap n go that will fit in our backseat! Our insurance company called today and said everything is taken care of with the other person's insurance company, so we will not have to pay our deductible. This is only fair seeing as how it isn't our fault! They gave us the name of the body shop which is USAA approved and we can take it in ASAP to get an estimate and get the work done. Our insurance will also pay for a "courtesy car" while ours is being repaired. I don't think it will take long to repair, its going to be waiting on the parts that will take forever. (American car in England, remember!) All in all Im just happy that Isabella was safe at home when it all happened, that no one was hurt, and that it'll all be fixed and over soon. I need to take better pictures, but I took these the night it happened.

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